Thursday, December 4, 2008


Most of us in our conscious state do everything right but sometimes our own actions are questioned by our conscience.

We all set certain principles in our lives by our own or other’s experiences. And when we desist to obey them, the common brunt we all need to bear is the regret and guilt. Our own emotions most of the time demonizes itself and turn out to be baleful. And when it over rules our principles, we undermine the action of justice.

Credulity and Innocence often makes us the victim of regret when a deleterious stranger deceives us. Human heart could only see the superficial selves others, it’s when your intuition guides you to look deep in their minds. If ‘to be Cynical ’ is in your list of principles you are saved. But beware of your own heart, which often melts seeing other’s tears and believes every sugarcoated talk.

Many of us are even the victims of Nepotism. If your principles does not allow you to be one of them then why often we fall for it when it comes to our loved ones? Very few could set an epitome as Mamta Banerjee did. Her principles kept her rigid and ossified her emotions for her siblings.

How self-centered we prove ourselves by covering the crimes of our kilns and end up doing injustice to the victim.

They are all the evil emotions, which pull you out of your track. But even we are lacking in setting our principles rigid. We are actually setting them with several ‘terms and conditions’ and cheat ourselves.

We need to centrifuge emotions from principles. Make our principles as strong as possible, let flow in the good emotion and do let your intuition guide you the best. Make you life meaningful and see the Magic!!!

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